Thursday, July 29, 2010

more restful day!

Today has bee a more restful day for Abi they have changed her meds again. Finally they have gotten her to a point where her pain is manageable. I think we are just going to wait and see how long this works. HOPEFULLY FOR A WHILE!  Abi is coherent for the most part. Her meds are allowing her to be alert, she is not nearly as agitated. Her white blood count is starting to come down which is a huge praise! We are really seeing some progress now that she is able to rest. She is still in isolation, but she doesn't know any better. I don't think she really cares. As a matter of fact most of what she answers is I don't know or I don't care! She does know that she wants to go home. It is hard to tell her that she can't go home.

She can read and write also she can still do math. She has more issues with standing but she is getting stronger. It only takes a few minutes to wear her out, which is to be expected.  

All in all it has been a good day!


John C said...

Sounds like improvement!!!! Hang in there Abi we are all praying daily for you. I can't wait too see you back to your normal self!!

Anonymous said...

Abi you are so strong, we are all praying for you and a speedy recovery. God is watching over you and holds you in his arms. We love you.
Dru, Evan and Kaitlyn