Monday, July 26, 2010

Dear Abi

Hey Abi,
 I just wanted to tell you a funny story about mom. So Last night she finally decided that she wanted to go home to sleep. I told her I would take her home and she could spend the next day at home and then come up to have a sleep over with you. And guess what? She was all for it.

Josh and I decided that she needed something to help her sleep so she would not be all freaked out being away from you all night.  But when we asked her if she wanted something to help her sleep she said yes. So we gave her something and she took it right before we left the hospital.

 It was midnight.  I had to get Elyssa, before I could take mom home.  By the time I got mom home, She was very sleepy and had a hard time standing to get out of the car. I watched her as she started walking up the hill to the door. Then I looked down while I waited for her but when I looked back up she was gone. I figured she made a detour to check the mail. Nope not there. Then I looked to see if she was checking the locks on Caleb's truck. Nope not there. And then I thought well maybe she just made it in to the house really quickly. So as I was about to get out of the car to check if she was already in the house. She comes trotting up the side walk from around the corner. She was looking for her house.  She was pissed! She asked " WHERE IS MY HOUSE?"  I pointed behind her because she was standing right in front of it. I then walked her in and made sure she got to bed. She was laughing at how she wanted to go home but decided she didn't know where that was even when she was right in front of it. I think she was going to visit the neighbors. Imagine their surprise when she crawls in and starts snoring her chain snorer sound.

I think when I tell you in person you and I will be crying because we are laughing so loud!
It was the funniest thing ever.

Other news....
Last night when I got to the hospital there was a fist fight in the hallway. Holy cow Imagine a whole bunch of mexican people just yelling and screaming and fighting, there were like 40 of them. They had to call security and nurses and social workers and everything. I guess our family fight the night before was like cuddling with a kitten compared to that. Then I was told that the other family we have been in contact with, that is also staying at the hospital, they had their big family fight last night as well. It happens! So many people loving and caring for one person. So many different personalities involved, every one wanting what is best for their loved one. Lack of sleep and proper nutrition, plus boredom to rival the worst case you have ever had. When there is nothing else to break up the monotony of it all, I guess that is when you have a fight.

Misty and Matt went back home.

Not much more here to report. I love you girl! Keep up the good work! My kids are dieing to see you, Get out of that bed quick so they can get an x ray and we can move to a real room already! I feel like I have babysitters watching me all the time. How are we supposed to have any fun with them hovering over us all the time.  I asked you last night if you wanted me to bring you anything and you said you wanted a surprise. I then asked you what kind and you said a super secret surprise. I wanted more details. So I asked what color you wanted and you said pink or purple or orange.  Today I am going to stop and get you a sugar free orange lollipop!  OK
Love you see you in a bit!
Your best sister!


Unknown said...

Enjoy your surprise, Abi! Still keeping you in prayer.

Loose Sparrow Arts N Crafts said...

You will all be able to write a book at the end of this! I pray the Lord keeps strengthening Abi and that you can keep your fun sense of humor. No fistfights in the hall, please. Love you all.