Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I stayed the night with Abi last night. It was a rough night for her. They have changed her meds, and she has a feeding tube. Because of the feeding tube they had to restrain her again. I was able to let her arms free as long as I was in the room with her. It was hard to rest because every time she moved her arms I wanted to know where her hands were and that she was not pulling on the feeding tube. Finally I got tired of her scaring the crap out of me and had them restrain her. It was the middle of the night. After about an hour they let 1 hand go so that she could move and turn. But the hand on the left where they had the feeding tube was still restrained.

Abi has a colitis, and infection in her colon. they are stopping the feeding with the tube and only using the tube to deliver antibiotics to the gut directly. Like I said she had a rough night and she only slept about 2-3 hours for the entire night. Yesterday was also rough.

They took off her morphine and are using other drugs that they thought would help control the pain better but they don't. She had a pain level of 8 all night long.  The good thing about this medication is that Abi knows where she is and what is going on. She knows everything about it. She remembers things from one minute to the next, and she was using the nurse call button on her own by 4 this morning. She was extremely agitated. By the time 5:30 am rolled around she was finally getting into a deep sleep so they decided it was time to come in and poke and prod and ask questions. And she slept through most of it.

Because of the infection, they have placed Abi on isolation. The nurses have made it clear to us that no one is going to be allowed to see her for a few days at the very least.  I was able to talk them into letting one immediate family member come in and sit with her during the day and another come in at night but that is all they will allow.
If the nurses would not have placed this restriction on Abi's visitor's we would have due to the nature of what is happening to her right now. She needs to keep all of the dignity she has intact. We want Abi's friends to see her as they know her and not have to experience anything gross. I know Abi would be highly embarrassed if anyone came in today or last night.   So for the next few days she is going to rest and keep getting better.

Last night to distract her from the pain I pulled out her notebook and started reading some of the things that people have written to her. She was shocked to hear that she had been in the hospital for 10 days and she had 5 surgeries. She was shocked at her injuries as well. Abi loved hearing some of the things her friends had written and she would smile or get all happy that someone had taken the time to come and see her. I asked who had come down and all she remembered was that Josh had been there as well as family but she knew that Steph had spent the day with her. She was bummed that she did not get to go to the Michael Franti Concert last night.  So as I read to her and showed her all the people who care for her she was brightened and also surprised by all the love.

PLEASE PRAY the doctors are very worried about her white blood count. It is TOO high, the doctor told me and he was very somber about it. He is worried about damage to her colon from the infection and does not want it to get to the point that it has to be removed.  please pray. I know GOD has worked many miracles on behalf of Abi. I know He will do more. I prayed with her last night for peace and comfort, and healing. She specifically asked if I would pray for her healing.  Mom is at the hospital today as well keep her in your prayers that she would be able to be strong for Abi and also a good distraction.

Thank you all for the wonderful encouragement from my post about CONCERNS.
It means alot!  We love all of you!


GramaD said...

I will continue to pray. I pray for ALL of you. Love in Christ, Lisa Del Toro

Tae said...

Of course she is always in my prayers. I love her and hope for a speedy recovery!

Anonymous said...

Hi Abi,

I don't know you... I found your blog thru your sisters blog - about dragonflyes... (can't rememebr the exact title). I have been following your progress the last couple days. Each story makes me sad, but hopeful you are going to come out of this stronger than you started! You sound like a tough girl with pretty toenails! :)

I wish you and your family all the best. Please continue to heal and be strong. You sound very loved by your family.

Take care,


Anonymous said...

Abi, this is Jessica and Crystal's mom and we are all praying for you to get better soon. I say a prayer every night for you. Jess, Crystal and I read your sister's post every day to see how you are doing. Stacie you are the most wonderful sister anyone could ever ask for. I will say extra prayers for your whole family.Stacie please take care of yourself, you are the glue holding your family togather.
Debi, Jessica & Crystal
We love you Abi

Anonymous said...

Abi, you're continually in our prayers for a full recovery from the accident. You are loved by more people than you can imagine! Kent & Cheva

Ann said...

Hey, girl!
So glad you are continuing to make progress. I finally got to meet Misty and Matt last weekend. Your family loves you as do a LOT of other people.
As I sat and watched people go in and out of the waiting area, it was so good to see them write in your book. [Which is why I am writing you here - there just wasn't enough time for me to write in it.

I understand that you are now getting your fruits and veggies in liquid form. How easy is that?

Be encouraged that you are loved! And - God loves you even more than the rest of us -- so WAY LOTS of LOVE!!

Hugs!! Nanz [Ann Meltzer]

Unknown said...

So you have kicked a lot of things in the butt the last few will kick this one too. You will get better with time. Praying for you every day. Praying for the rest of your family too!!! I fully expect to get hit with lots of good updates on facebook when you are better...miss ya on there!!! Love you guys!!

Anonymous said...

We love you Abi. Summer & Alyssa are praying for you & hoping you get better soon (they want to visit sooo badly) Kyle says he won't call you "crabagayle" anymore -at least until your much better! When you look back at all of this (way down the road) you will be astounded at the love & stregnth of your family. hese things rarely realized before tough situations bring them to light. you are truely blessed <3
love always, the Burnsides

Anonymous said...

Keep your head up girl! You are in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

we are all still praying and counting down the days till we can come show you love... my mom is planning on making you a purple giraff cake when youre feeling up to eating it... i love you to pieces and am so worried but god has you in his hands and will make this pass... love you abs kakes,haley and naynay